PranaSanna - Online Material Part 3

Welcome to the PranaSanna online material. Below is Part 3

  • Part 1 is available here.

  • Part 2 is available here.

Facilitator Course Manual (Part 3)

To begin, please download the PDF below or view it online to understand what the course entails.

Videos and Challenges

Watch the videos, follow the instructions and complete the challenges one by one.

  1. Tips and Trix how to activate the room,

Charge the energy and lift the roof

  • Big draw

  • Floor kiss

  • Gentle squeeze

  • Bio-hacker

  • Powerful and efficient

  • If fear, stay calm, provide safety


  • Try the big draw after building breath, notice what happens afterwards - how do you build the energy again?

  • Find out which one works best for you, take notes on why When can you use the big draw?

2. When to touch and when not

There are certain times its helpful to touch and other not. Learn the difference

  • Never go in and touch during breath retention

  • Space awareness

  • 1m before, you are already in the breathers space

  • Avoid the dramakings & queens

  • Avoid the no-cryer crying

  • Go when being asked for


  • What can happen when you touching someone while in breath retention?

  • How come to be extra careful when approaching a breather?

  • Is there a difference of being mindful and overly careful and what effect can either or have?

Wrap up challenge!

Dear PranaSanna - facilitator! To wrap the course up, for you to ground the knowledge I invite you to answer following questions:

  1. Describe what you learned during this process?

  2. What are the thing that you really learned during this course?

  3. What do you need to work more with?

  4. What will you do with your knowledge that you learned during this course?

  5. Other thoughts that’s comes to mind?

Instructions: Take time to write down your answers and then connect with someone from your course to listen to each other and then discuss.

Warmth Sanna