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De-armoring training

Basic De-armouring training, Sweden
Date: 12th - 21st September Sweden

De-armouring Training with De'an Matuka, Sanna Sanita & Matthias Schwenteck.

10 day training! An in-depth journey into body de-armouring and sexual healing techniques.

More info: https://www.dearmouringarts.com/dearmouring-training/

Future trainings

I will soon start my own trainings, expanding from work. If you want more information of my upcoming trainings. Please fill in the form below. 

What is de-armoring?

External de-armourning works on the outside of the body while internal de-armouring works on the parts of the body we can enter: the yoni (vagina), the anus and the throat. Conversation-based de-armouring, on the other hand, uses coaching and talk-therapy to probe, touch and help you express your "pain body" through words and sounds, withouttouching your body at all.