Culture is dying, world wide, we seem to become more rootless and disconncted, in the name of modern civilisation...

Work and outer sources are used as anchors and treasures, yet, is that really what makes human fullfilled? Isn´t the culture, richness, SOUL important? Instead, world has become a huge playground for selfies, travel and watching at culture, but not really looking .. seeing ... we might travel to ancient sites, but not getting the imprint of the art preformed. We might adore and admire the mysteries of such places but not feel the actual vibration and portals availible. Cus we can´t feel it, we can´t "see" it.

I beleive, the cultivation and clean transmission of culture is important, not only for passing on sacred knowledge also for the human soul to feel it has a place and purpose.

As I write, I also sense the new era of soul evolving, a decend and trancend and dissolve - all togheter. When earth-lings start to pulsate as one, taking the human experience to the next level. Maybe, the evolving soul is a "survival" mechanism for the "dying earth soul" - we´ll be able to once more sky travel and even realise ... we where never here at first place....

Cus as practising soul work in group, there is no separation, there is only ONE allowing the ONE to "heal/expose" for the ONE, for the collective..

Its confusing at times, and its an allowance of letting go of the me... the I ... the believe of this is mine and this is yours... instead allow intelligence to work through as ONE for ONE for the ONE...

The Old traditions are dying out, and that truly accelerates heart ache in this body, and yet, LIFE itself seems to find other ways of merging through those whos feeling called...

There is a genuine longing for soul & human heart to love and feel fully alive, to share or fountain as non-conceptual love as purposless purpose of purity....

The Beauty, The Battle and the Soul.
